Register for Yoga Teacher Training Courses Form Please fill out the form below to register and pay for YTT courses. Web Site Title * Mr. Ms. Name * Phone Number * Email Address * Program you're registering for: * Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hrs (June 15, 2019 – July 15, 2019) - Solan, Himachal Pradesh Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hrs (July 20, 2019 – August 20, 2019) - Solan, Himachal Pradesh Yoga Teacher Training 300 Hrs (June 15, 2019 – July 31, 2019) - Solan, Himachal Pradesh Yoga Teacher Training 500 Hrs (June 15, 2019 – September 1, 2019) - Solan, Himachal Pradesh How long have you been practicing yoga? * What style of Yoga have you been practicing? Briefly state what do you hope to learn from this program? Enlist your top three goals GDPR Agreement * I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.